Work Life Balance of Working Women A Comparative Study on Higher Education and IT Sector


Dr. P S V Padma Latha, K.Sri Durga, Ch. Malleswara Rao, Y.Divya, V. Vineetha Ganga Devi, Dr. M. Sasi Bhushan

Page No: 108-122


Working women are grabbing their space at par with the men and have become more aspiring and career-oriented. They are ignoring the other aspects of their lives and losing the quality time with: children and families, relaxation time and also time for their hobbies. During the study, it has been found that women are more stressed in comparison to men, as they have to work from early of the morning to late night to meet the daily needs of family members with the increased workload, role and responsibilities. Hence, there is a dire need to make a balance between professional and personal life. During the study, it has been found that women working in the IT Sector have to work hard in the long day and night shifts to justify their role and responsibilities and especially for their career growth.Flexible learning has increased their working hours and most of the time, they remain busy in managing and conducting the classes along with the other responsibilities related to admissions, attendance, fee, exams, record keeping, administrative work etc. This has increased the working hours in the education sector from early morning to late night and impacting the personal lives of the working women employed in this sector.Hence, there is a dire need to study the gaps between the professional and personal life of Working women so that they may able contribute their life such a way that they get complete satisfaction while discharging various roles of their lives.


Work Life Balance, Profession, Personal Fulfilment, Quality Of Life, Workload

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