

Page No: 599-603


Today, migration affects almost every country on the planet. It is now a part of the global urbanization and industrialization process as a result of improvements in transportation and communication. Large-scale migrations of people from rural areas to urban centers, urban centers to other urban areas, and urban areas to other nations have followed industrialization and economic progress in most countries. Migration, together with fertility and death, is one of the three fundamental components of population expansion from a demographic perspective. However, whereas natural processes account for fertility and death, migration does not. Population growth, diversity, and spatial organization are all affected. Furthermore, migration affects people's social, political, and economic lives. The Indian Constitution guarantees its citizens the freedom to live and work anywhere they like inside the nation. Therefore, migrants are exempt from registering either in their country of origin or their country of destination. The choice to relocate is heavily influenced by a variety of economic, social, cultural, and political reasons. The magnitude of their impacts also varies with time and location. Understanding the shifts in internal travel inside a country requires an examination of migratory patterns. It's the part of population growth that's most vulnerable to changes in the economy, politics, and culture. Estimating the future redistribution of populations requires a firm grasp of migratory trends. These estimates are only as accurate as the time periods in which they are based, thus accounting for births, deaths, and migration within a country is crucial.


Internal Migration, Economic Reforms, migration affects, global urbanization, industrialization process

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